Tuesday, January 30, 2007,
I STILL LOVE MY BABY INDRA (:okay people. other things can come and gobut him,its a no-no -seriously,losing him is like losing someone or losing your own brother-we didnt talk for days and the only day we talked to ech other was TODAY ;Din de morn, i looked at him and i looked away. soo saaaddd pls?his face was also a bit sad, he looked away .after school, we both look at him.he made the first movehe said hiwe went up to himi told lydia to go with me and meet him .we asked how was he;so-and-s0his face wassss sooooo sedih sooyyyhe told us ," abeh kakak kater indra sombong.."and walked away,lydia manage to hold his hand.and we apologised to hyme,and so do him lydia went back home early due to shoooting thingy ;)left me all alone in school,actually nowe had a malaydnce practise and i was releasing stress with my dearestcraziest friends,lynshanabilafaeizahaida -!i spent time with indra too,for awhile onyhe teached me some notes for the piano while i teached him other songs (;sweeeet ;)after malaydance practice,when back home early.slpet for 12minutes and mum woke me uptelling me theres no NGAJI today (:and here i am ,sitting on this BLACKCHAIR.p/s:THANKS TO THE PEOPLE WHO SEND ME SONGS KAY -!mwaaaaaah mwaaaah (:i'll tell you when i lost it again kays? hahahaermmermm.lemme show you babyindra's conversation :-indra: ni kakak sumirah eh....me:haha,a'ah la. abehme:krg baur tahu?;Dindra:sorieindra:plsme:hahame:plsme:haha,ingtknda sombong. chat nan kakak lydia jer. hahaha,joking2indra: indra nak minta maafindra:plsindra:plsme:kenapee kenapeee?me:sape blg aper biler aper kat manerr?indra:pasal hari itu...me:ohs...indra: pls?me: pls?indra:plspls pls pls pls....me:waiiit!me:kalao indra ikhlas tkkan tkelh maafkan.. lagipon,indra tk buat salah laaa. cumer indra tk realise indra tukar. tu jerr.. indra sekarang da rapat dgn abgabg ngan kakakkakak lain dengan kakak lydia sekali kan, so... indra just continue lor. takecare jer. and plus klao indra susah i'll be by ur side! ;DD okeh? okeh best. good boyindra:thanks uindra:ilup u..indra:i lup ume:your welcome indraesai,hahaha eh no no. ur welcome putra!i love you too! hahahaskrg,g tgk kaka lydia kat tvee! go!indra:okindra:byeindra: i lup u----------------
!!!InDrA_eSaI!!!>LiFe iS LiKe A FrEeDoM... appears to be offline. Messages you send will be delivered when they sign in. E-mail this contact instead------------------------------and p/s: i love him too. hahaha (:
Monday, January 29, 2007,
i'm missing you ;(
Sunday ; January 28*2007
i was busily linking ppl at my blog when
bro(s) was all asleept, dad&mum was out - *
left me,all alone in the corner of the living room ;(
soon,we decided to meet up & have some bits+bites
i know,i was late again and again ;D
im sorry;pls dun blame me,blame the bus
i only get into the bus thirthyminutes after waiting-*
so bare with me okaaay? ;D
Monday; 29 January*2007
The day i ever wish it wouldnt happened
but yeah,it did ;(
Could anyone just understand whud im facing now?
no,you would'nt .
Cose a girl like me never had someone to care for , i know.
gaaaah, let this *thing* do the story :
I don't know why I've never said this before...But, Mom, there's so much I want to thank you for.The patience you've always showed me over the years,All the times you've brushed away my silly tears.For the love you've given me through the years,And for all the times you understood my childish fears.For all the hurts you have kissed away,And for being kind to me every day.Thanks for letting me do things my way,And for always listening to what I have to say.Thanks for the trust you've bestowed upon me,And for the faith given so naturally!For sharing my joys and feeling my pain,For keeping me sheltered from the rain.Mom, thank you for all the love and understanding,For always asking and never demanding!For listening to my problems whether big or small,For always being there whenever I fall.For putting up with me when I'm in a bad way,And ignoring all the harsh words I might say.Thank you, Mom, for laughing and crying with meAnd for being the friend I sometimes so desperately need.For holding my hand when my fears make me weep,For all the times you've had to rock me to sleep.I hope someday to be able to repay you for all thisAnd give you the things you might have missed,And from one friend to another---
Have I told you lately---How much you've influenced my life?Or how many times I've thanked the GOD For giving me you to lean on?Tears flood my eyes as I remember...A bike that had strong hands pushing it-Dew settling as you swung me ever higher-Gentle hands that comforted me when I was sick.You've given me the best of everything-Guided me in ways you'll never know,Your love and understanding is unmeasured-Your strength unquestionable.Thank you for all the sacrifices you made...All the times you humored me...All the times you spared a momentTo ruffle a curl and talk to your little girl.You helped shape me...mold me...Be the woman that I am today...You have always been thereLeading me...encouraging me...God blessed me, Daddy, when he gave me youHe decided I deserved only the best...Thank you
next thing :-
bagai kan kacang lupakan kulit is the best peribahasa that could describe the problem im facing now ;(
about this guy i knew since i was.... 13? 14?
he's a funnnycuteguy,loves to hangout with me and my nabila ;D i really miss those times
but eversince he got in to this school,things changed just liddat. i dun wanna story nomore. cose you might know who he is . btw,he's not my boyfee nor my ex.
he's just someone younger then me-*
final goodbye,im happy when you are
takecare lilboy,misses ;((
Saturday, January 27, 2007,
singapore won! wooots.
thanks to lewis lah! haha (:
plus the other players also
i was shouting my heart out like hell crazzye girl soyy
dun ask,i dunnoe why (:
to relieve stress maybe?
i mean.its my country beb!
whudd du ya expect? :D
so,it all started in this early morn.
mum woke me upp,late.
7.25 which is supposingly 7.30 was the time im meeting qilah
her fatness was late also
so,i took my time since she's still notready
reached school,we were late.
but we kept calm since after we saw sha ;]
walked with her,reached schoool
cikgu was late too (:
malaydance pratice was suckish
we somehow felt that we're not the so called 6 MAINGIRLS.
infact,we felt that we're just extra dancers.
haiyoo,all attention on boys hor cikgu ;/
after the dance was cool (;
dearest cikgu ifa bought us sardineandpotatopuff
plus somedrinks (:
nice kan cikgu?
awwwwn,all thanks to her primadona.
if u guys dunoe who.
ask her (:
she'll answer ;D
ohya.before i ferget.
the best part was after malaydance SYF practice.
we started to plan for our formations for CNY performance.
which is,we are going to do an item dance called asmara dana.
its not a last minute thing ryte?
am sure we can do it ;D
next,formation was nice
just that we need to get the juniours to remember their steps.
and done!
wooots (;
after that,went to lot for awhile and slacktalkeatlaugh
BTW! i ate a lot of chocs today,wooots
and mydarlingdancers was superduperhigh
they all cant stop laughing.
people says "when they start they cant stop"
went back home
asper normal,went back home with darlCRAZYcrappyQILA (:
uh,shes full of jokes and craps ;D
but i like it.,it makes me happy when i see her laugh
hahahahaha ;D
qilah's CRIB-!
and so,singapore win.
wooooots ,am glad,am glad.
i shud be there seyh
but im glad not,cose surely it will be pack there.
grrrr,nooooo ;/
so now am home
this time, dad says "jgn main comp dulu,lipat baju"
a stern faced given (:
now im HERE!
thats all folks (;
Friday, January 26, 2007,
AM SICK ;/i was being latarghic for today;weak,tired,bored& pathethicas i was saying in my early post,supposingly today is a polylyfe day rite?i was hoping that it wud be a puuurfect day soyyy.but it ended up to be suckish ;/woke up at around 7surf the net till 7.30lydiagf was online too ;D
meet up and took the traineh,todays morning train abit funny sooy.as you all know , we need to stop at jurong and change rite?this time. it stops at another place,which its a no need for us to change.cool kan? haha,maybe it happened before but i was just being *jakun*hehe,and i started laughing (:cose all the way me and her was keeping quiet all de way ;DTHAT REMINDS ME!whud a sway day ;/maybe i was dreaming .went to the control station to top-up my eZlink.and the sir goes,"dik,nak topup berape?"and i go " sepuluh dollar " -_______-and! the machine goes : ten dollars added,have a nice day"woooooooaaaah, after hearing upon that womens voice.my eyes was wide open and i started shouting ; "CIK! salah! 5 dolar cik!"but it wasnt my day at all,the sir apologise and told me that he already cant change.sadd kan? and i left ONE DOLLAR for me to eat *cries*reached dover,and there goes my daily crap with doughnutlydia ;Dwe started to go," uhhhh,why?"hahaha (:funfun. but sadly,lyn wasnt there to laugh to our jokes ;Dshe was sick today, hei! same kaaay disini.am sick tooo! but i still wanna come cose im scared i will lag behind.lesson for today was fun (:i get to draw keyboard and stuffs ;Dtodays lesson was actually about learning * basicFrom&shapes.*simple skecth of products listing basicshapes ((((=breaktime,ate with the boys all ;Dthanks to YAN for the 5 bucks.love you truckloads la,hehei ate the mee goreng mama for todayDELICIOUS LA!and fatlydia ate nasibriyani;again ;Dwhile for the afternoon lesson.WAAAAH, mood-swing.haha,i was happily laughing at the first place.den i kept quietden i cryden i fedupden i laughden i singden i.. uh uhno more ;Dfunny,i see.i was actually sicked la.bodytemp. feeling hot inside cold outsidetill the clock shows 5.class was realesed,took the mrtreached lot1.teman her go eat at our thirdcrib;foodculture.since she miss her chickenrice soo much ; huhu after that,she accompany me to mac and eat.hehe,since i topp up my ezlink for 10bucks.after that,razi came,slack,and back home.jengjengjeng.mum goes "mirah,lipat baju" in a sudden,she called my name and asked me to sit infront of her.she asked,"maner kao pergi maser last sat? kao g dating eh?"HAHAHAHAHAyeah,i knew the reason why she askedb'cose she look at the pic in my diary and at my comp.huhuhu ;Dmcm couple kaaan?hahaha!but surely,i wont get him laa.hahahahha ;Dhis wayyyy to CUTE for me ;Di mean,alyph (=p/s :for those readers who wants to be linked, tell okaaaydun blame me for not linking you,heheb'cose i dun even noe ur url ;Dthats all for today darls!hoping tmrw will be a good start plus a good ending.MAYBE am going to watch SINGPOREEEEE (:
grrrh,one love!; D
TAGS REPLIED READERS (:`babyMARTIN : your link baby! ;D didi : didi darls! iye looove you too! and jyeah,its syarif. go meet him go! ;)♥JULIET-! : pls gf? we do look like one. HAHAHA ;DminnieEYEcandy : hello there! your linked! hahaha and yep.somehow it looks the same.thx for the compliments ayytes (:atie:haaaaloooo ; nopes. im trying tmrw,maybe (:CupiD: linking you soon gf!Huda : hahaha,ahyerlaaa. TAUFIK. :D(: qila : PLSSSS? WOOOOf. hahahaa,i know u know gf ;D
kiddie : yes sweetorange? ive linked you upp kaaays. hahaha. now,ur my hero too! ;Dkhai : hahaha. time kaseh khairul...! ;D nnt blanjer kay jgn luper! ;Dbans : heloo cutiee ;D thx for dropping by. see ya soon aytes-!yasmin : UR link GF! :D link me too aytes.Tuesday ; 23nd jan 07
recap of whut happened that day
PE was normal (:
100 metre race; i was second among the girls.
quite slow laa; all becose i slowed down when i was near the end line ;D
history was suckish thou i actually concentrate while she was explaining some shits ;x
and whud lydia wrote in her blog was truee;everytime the teacher talks,
it will start to drizzle;pls. *mum!i need an umbrella,pls ;D
contact time was neat,we named oyr class 3BERNOULLI
he's a chemist and a mathemathicians (;
as haziq's incharge of the classtshirt.
am sure our tee will look good (:
i gotta make this part bold!
after school
extra class,history.
i was eing tortured.
i was betrayed
hahaha, this teacher give me a scare la hor ;D
i know,myclassmates know kaaays (:
after school,revised on our maths for the test the nextday.
blaablaablaa,went to lot 1 fer awhile with darlsdoughnuts.
went backhome,took 190
saw qilah (: went to her crib to revise on our maths.
its was fun. (:
i know u know la gf!;D
went back home,thx qilah for teman-ing me home
and mum goes like this "jgn luper LIPATBAJU"
i closed my ears and ge to sleep ;DWeds;24 jan 07recaprecaps.malaydnce practice was tiring and boreAND I SAW MY PAKCIK JAMIL (((((((((=TODAY;25 january 07went to school a lil early.heee but bacin lydia came late [-________-'']school as per normal.took three test for todayENGLISH-averageA MATHS-FAILLLLLLLL (:SCIENCE(physics)-EASY (:after school was a bore toospend time with darldoughnuts watching the guys playing soccer.i get to spend time with babyindra a.k.a pakcik sombong todaybut pity him i kept calling him pakcik sombong.until he merajok; alalala~i doking him ppl haha.he wants it la kay (:soooooo; yada yada.went back home early soyy (:and mum goes " mirah lipat baju "went inside my room;quick bathLIPAT BAJu and doneim here sitiing on this chair.btw;tommorow is polylyfeday peoples (:toodles;one love!p/s : JANUARY school diary (:
FRONT view ; ]
BACK view
Monday, January 22, 2007,
see that guy there?his name is faariss
Altered-Ego: Fatalitee
a rapper.
postingposting ;D
people been talking bout valentine kays?
and lemme tell ya this,
im surely gonna be jealous canns?
hahahaha ;x
i dunnoe la,sometimes i felt that amma fickle-minded girl
seriously,i always wanted a boyfee soyy.
not in a deperate wayy la -____-
i mean, look
all my friends have their own love stories.
whudd bout me?
i dun have any to share. sadd kans?
its because im just not confident enuff ;(
of myself,i mean
ahhhhhhh, nemine.
ohoh,that reminds me of this group of girls quarelling over a guy
believe it orrr nottt?
omgomg, over a guy la hei
his not the only one in this world.
his not ebben hensome tao
and they're actually fighting over him
lets stop toking bout unpleasant things.
here's a piece of whurd happened today
lesson as per normal
but the dummy part was when
i feel like i was actually still dreaming.
people say,ngigao
funny cans?
i told qilah the story
and she was lying down on the floor
hahaha.as in laughing.
u know,i know gf! ;D
so,where was i?
sat beside darlsshabil
hahs,his fullofcrap la him
told me bout HIS STORY.
pity eu bwoi ;D
andand,me n lydia
got back our books that was being confiscated.
thank you sooo much mr azhar for being kind to us.
succha kind-heart (:(:(:
after school,as pernormal.
our babyindra;spending tyme togeder.
chemistry test was ^&&(%%%$%)(
shits can?
i didnt remeber a single thing ;D
slackeatlaughsit at qilah's house.
funahh (:
printedsomepictures (:
tq gf
afta that lepak again (:
and back home.
im done blogging.
Sunday, January 21, 2007,
HERES the PICS yaw ;D
ah kay,i know i look ewww
but they look good ay (:
i like this one (:
erm,toilet? ;D
us (:
haha,burok i know (:
firstshot yaw ;DDONE ;D
TODAY was a BLAST,somehow.
i woke up at around seven cose i thout there was a malaydnce practice which i were'nt informed by em'
so, i was forced by mum to finish the housework up -.-
i mean,EARLY in the morn la hey. waaaa liao (:
then, i proceed by playing the comp.
checking ma mails, yada yada yada (:
till it was 8 den i called lyn with her sleepy voice.
she told me den that mlydmnce prac. cancelled.
darah up seyh. but nemine, i continued playing the comp till LYDIA fat online.
planning where which whut time to go first
and nen we meet up,have a quick lunch
and OFF we go
she was nervous,i know.
after reching there,DARLING INDRA FETCH US (:
ahahahaha,hes cute la seyh.
with his tuckin vondutch and jeans.
hahaha. and hair! (:
wooots,we love we love,lols
went up and guess what?
ramai soyy matrepminarepp
hah, and they were like ,
ALL eyes on LYD-ya izzati
huhu,with this kinda irritating girls with us.
waah.canny stand it soyy (:
it was kinda fun la, average (:
hanged out with my BRO,[teck yi.]
burfdaebwoi(haziq),nizar,razi,alif and afiq
after a longrestlesshours,took the bus
we say thelastgoodbye to our BABYINDRA
he's face sad soyy when we gottago
he make us feel like staying there widd him
but toobad,we gotta move on yaw ;D
190 came,and off toDHOBYGHAUT,theartmuseum ;]
inside the bus,sway soyy.
its darlISKANDAR and his friends.
that part nemine uh,sekali i saw alan..
hahaha.paiseyh dok (:
and we started to crap in the bus.
reached dhobyghaut,and it was raining.
sway again.runrun walkwalk
and we finally reached theplace.
hahaha.we gotta tell ya something
we did something wrong uh.
hahaha,nemine uh. dun want tell
i know u know la or gf ! (:
the performance average oso (:
we were'nt in a high mood,
so,we dun clap we dun sing along
yaaaa. BUT we kept smiling when SLEEQ performed.
huhuh (:
after the performance,
lydia was being dengki telling fatal that am mirah
haha (:
and there he go (;
and again,sway
met him again,at ljs
sorry fatal,i was shy la hor (:
syugah kept saying fatal says ur cute!
hahaha.thanks syugah (:
AFTA that!
me,lydia and haikal
were the only ppl left in ljs
we started to crap agin. hehehe
camwhored and back home.
ohya, p/s; we hang out with haikal macam da kenal lame cans? hehes (:
he was friendly thou ;DD
father started his naggings.
but not about why i came home late la.
somehow he mentioned why im home late
budden he changed subject
cose MYPONDANBRO kept saying that i was lying .
bitch kan?
den dad says bro and i like no connection liddat
then this is what i said,
"NOW DEN YOU REALISE? lemme tell you this dad.
i have a brother. i even have TWO. but i dun feel like i have one.
not even one. those ppl with brothers they also sometimes quarell but they never do things like this. i never feel the love okay? and last thing,no o0ne is perfect and everbody makes mistakes"
i stood up and went to bed :(
But I know
It’s the way that I must live
Even though
It’s so unclear, so unfair
God I know
There’s a path for everyone
I must believe and keep holding on
silentcries :(
Friday, January 19, 2007,
today was a long workout,hehes.
archeli,no. it was a superduperlongtiringfunDAY
fine,i know am late. sorry lydia and lyn. i was'nt in a good mood in the morn.
not sure why. lydia kept text-ing me,telling me that i was late,yes lydia.
i was freaking irritated by the msg (not her)
told cha i was'nt in a mood that morn ;]
so,i finally reached the mrt station. and the signboard showed 1 minute.
i qucikly ran up and met them,took the mrt and reached Dover
listen up,almost all the SPstudentsthat were there,kept looking at us la horr.
i felt akward and at the same time we were panicking cose we were10mins late-!
mr indra warned us but mostly his eyes kept looking at lydia due to some hatred.
hahahas,i know u know la gf. she was irritated at the same time la horr.
nemine,let him be ward he wannabe. lets hope this mrindra is not like OURBABYINDRA ryte?
first lesson was bore,except for the time where we got to put the parts of the dinosaur and the burger togeder back to shape (:
the lecturer let us earlier and we had more than 2hours for our afternoon lesson.
damn man,we dunnoe where to go since we're not a SPstudent, we wont be able to go here and there w/o the pass (:
the cafeteria was splendid,and its cheaper than a normal hawkercenter.
the thing is that there's only 2 HALAL stall there (:
we thought of going KFC to eat budden lydiafat disagreed(we give in,lols)
so we sat at this 4sittable and start buying foood
yumyum,i & lyn ate meemagigoreng while lydia ate nasibriyani
yada yada yada~
after that,we headed to T15 and start camwhore-ing + sleeping (:
while lyn was busily having an interview with our classmate,nicole.
i was busily camwhore ing and lydiafat was busily listening to lyn's ipod.
it was then 1.45 when we start moving to T714 or T147 ?!
haha,watever it is,we reacher and start our lesson.
the program was quite fun (:
its an PROE,wildfire cad program somethingsomething ;p
so,we lefted the room early due to some extraSYFmalaydancepractice.
lyn's father fetched us and sent us backtoschool (:
her father was being kind for that day
go back-and-fro helping this lydia to get her purse back
yea,she lost it. luckily,its in lyn's dad car. if not,then am speechless.
we were hoping that ourdarlingindra was there in school
this time,we were'nt in a luck at all, hes back home with ijad (the bro)
since ijad's back home for his homeleave (:
hours of practice,and start prepping up to go bugis
it wad raining heavily but we did not cancell our plan la hor.
took the bus and we were craking up and burst out into laugthers.
haha,cose lydia saw her bf laaa. the nigeria guy (:
and yes lydia. i guess u know thatdimple guy kept looking ryte? hahaha
good that u realise cose i realised it too! ;D
reached bugis and we were stressing to find the posb.
blablabla,reached bugisstreet and start to shooooop (:
WOOOTS, pening la hey! i dunnoe ward tuh buy
my aim was to buy :
this puffybag thAT cost around $35++
this decoshoe that cost $19.90?
this slipinsandal cost $9.90
this jacket cost around $40++
this belt cost $10.00
this torque cost around $15++
this longsleevestripes around 25bucks ;D
this watch (:
this erm, TEES
and overall
BUT! i only have 66 on my hand la hey.
u tell me how much more i need and how can i get the money?
so, i bought some of it only
the longsleevestripes,
the hellokittynecklace
the hellokittybelt
the strawberryclips
thethe hellokitty watch
as u can see,i bought mostly hellokittystuffs rite?
haha.i know
its not that im obsessed with hellokitty kay
its only that am trying to collect diff. stuffs (:
todaystheme was actually hellokitty,so why not rite ? :)
as for lydia,she bought tons of tee-s hahahah.
bedek sooy mirah. andand,erms.
thecapshealwayswanted. and dunnoe lah (:
after a tiring shop,we went to ljs to have a quick bite.
saw our sec3 instructors and YANA CUTE HER HAIRR !!! (:
reached home at arounf 11something and off to bed =)
pictures to be updated soon yaw (:
thou i have only one (:
Basically today was more orf a mood-swing day
period came. so-and-so [:
thanks to yanie,u know i know la horr
lessons as per normal-
yada yada yada~
PE was splendid! thou i was a lil-bit shrugged*out
i failed to not stop while running
today was a 4-round-JOG (:
i jogged with my darl-ings ira and lyn -
my timing was [11.14]
a bit unsatisfied but nemine la horr ;D
end school at around 2.30
supposingly,theres a malay dance practice.
but only some come,which was lynshanabila,me and nana + anis (:
wells,told cha in the early post. we were preparing for the chinesenwyear celebration - *
spending time with darlingINDRA again,with khair.
lydia went back home since she needs to do her shoooting stuffs.
yea,sat in the canteen teaching babyindra science,shiok -*
OHYA-! before i forget,i need yall to know this.
never DO anything that ends up making you in BIGBIG trouble,geddit?
*watched this everdisgustingfckinghornvideo by our own teckwhyeans . i don't wanna tell futher more. babyindra was being so brave and took their video. argggh *chubits*
while i was panicking cose im scared if they did anyting to him (:
indra was trying his best to runaway from her-
so far,only some people knew that incident. i could'nt believe HIM doing that stuffs,really.he's a closefrend of my bro,he's my so call frend. he's my cousin so called ex andd how can he do this soyy. am soooo dissapointed. i told mum bout this.
she was kinda shock too! wat-to-do
indrababy was being the BOSS-OF-THE-DAY.
cose he wouldnt let me go home soyy
ahaha, cutes la hor.
cose if i get home early, he would have only khair to accompany him kan.
soooo ya. he needs me (:
as for tommorow,we will be going to singapore poly ppl!
and shoppppping with lydiafat (:
see ya there !(for those who's goin )
Wednesday, January 17, 2007,
Hey yaw darls-! ;D
whut-a-crummy-day ppl. interesting happenings for today? nothing.
was a lil bit pathethic...except for the part when i was actually having fun; spending my time with darldarls malaydancers.
preparing our dance for this comin' chinese new year celebration -
which is most probably, joget lengang lenggok ( =
i was just hoping that for this time,we won't and we will never screw up on stage for that day, hehs;D
speaking of which,im glad that MALAYDANCErs are finally back togeder;except for some,maybe. which i hope not. AND i hope there will be no more grudge btween each other (:
im here to say sorry yaw if i ever say something bad bout ya.
sometimes, we tend to not realise whut we did is wrong
or to be exact,we dun usually think before doing anything
wells,we're all humans ryte? ppl makes mistakes
ppl fail. ppl pass. ppl happy. ppl sad.
it all depends on us to decide. whether we want to be sad today or maybe to feel worried for tomorrow;etc.
As i was saying,conflicts cose of jealousy,misunderstanding are usually part of friendship. its either we know whens the rite time to get back with each other. i myself,can't deny that i actually missed spending time with my late SISTER P.the laughthers, the time where we actually went shopping and go crazy over everything and so on ;DD
oh well, its over anyway.
let bygones- be-bygones.
they're both happy with what they have now,
i shud be happy for them too!
as for now,am about to say
thanks to all my friends who have been giving me good advice cose i DO appreciate it;even if its just a tiny-bit (:
to all the people who tend to hate me,
i hope you wont see me as your enemy
b'cose, i myself hate being hate by people.
i tend to hate people who hates me,
but now,i realised that its no use for me to hate anyone.
(unless they force me too laa; hehs)
so,ya. im sorry orytes? *sincere *
but please do me favour ppl.
if i ever let u feel left out OR
i did anything wrong,help me by saying like.
"ya girl,here you go again." something liddat mayb?
hehe,only if you guys can help,its okay if u guy refuses to.
cose i'll try to figure out my own mistakes,sometimes :D
(1).jpg)
ya,i know. he looks familiar.
hes my cutestchubbiesthensemnesscerdiknesscleverness adik(:
indra,as short. or muhdindraputra -*
or or! andak? hehs? ntah laa the spelling.
i tell you guys, u go GA-GA over this cute lil boy
multi-talented la okaay (:
he got the style,the move,the cheeks. haha.
the everything. one package
i knew him sincee.. erm.
cant remember.
first met was actually in the ckk lot 1 library
ohhh. he was way moree cuter than now
cose he looks a lil mature now thou his height got problem sikit (:
ive been spending time with him kay!
sendin him back home.. bawak jalan.
fuuuuh. whole new experience. haha. mepek soyy sumirah ;D
eh okaays (:
more updates ayytes.
and before i forget,i love indra. hahahaha ;DDD
one love;
meeeraah <333*
Monday, January 1, 2007,
selamat hari raya haji rakanrakan kuu (((=feel like blogging again. hehes.
woooots people,listen up
im over
YOU and im hey ok (:
no more him and life has to go on ryte people?
i believe theres still more people outhere that
seeks love and care from me. ;DD
and theres still many out there who loves me (:
if im wrong,correct me please
2007!whuts ur new year resolutions ehhy?
mine? well. i dunnoe.
to be a better person maybe?
or to pass my O's ?
heeeee, thou its 2 years more.
but hey, its in early september okaaaay ;DD
am scared (:
last sat when to imrans ajmain's lauch album with lydia
overall was splendid, only that we gotta stand fer like hours
lydia was in a badmood or something liddat
cose here fatness is hungry to death (:
i was the one enjoying myself ;D
eh malas uh nak blog.
updates later k, bye
brand new feeeling yaw ;D
its another one of those brand new feelers here.
and am back with a new bloggy
before i start blogging people,
lemme tell ya this kay :
this is my blog. and again,its mine
i have the rights to do anything ok?
for gods sake,pls. stop urself from doing stupid things.
need no explanations,u should know ;)
well if u dont,go get a live kay?
and next,if u think my blog is boring,den dun read okeh?
cose am sooo sure theres better things out there thats way more important than u being such a sweet thing reading my blog (:
lastly,i appreciate dearest ppl tagging my blog.
but if its YOU,trying to flood my tagboard and start
critisizing me. i shud say. thanks and goodbye. why must u be such a pain in the ass? hahs, am sorry for using such vulgarities -*
and if its not you, need no worries kay. heeeheeee
geeee. too much explanation la hei.
soooo,yeah. my first update.
more updates soon (:
tag people!
one love;