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Tuesday, April 28, 2009,
i think i just swallowed a pencil led.

I think i just swallowed a pencil led and it really hurts.
It is stuck near.......right here. On the left side of my throat.
I feel sharp ends poking through my skin.. ouuuuuchhhhh.
those kinds of a "led" feeling and its killing me,badly.

I am co-currently stucked with books about family adoption and
children managed to overcome their dark lives since young.
and how succesful there are now,you guys should start reading all that.
Books like dave pelzer..jane elliot..jasvinder sanghera..
wait,i sounded more like a bookworm now. *giggles*

anyhoos,im just updating for the sake of keeping
this blog alive for a moment when i have the chance to.
thanks to me i've helped wana along to reboot her lappy
and that gave me a chance to check all my mails ^^

im outta words.

Monday, April 27, 2009,
Mid Year Examination Week. ^^

greetings to all,

well the tittle i quoted is how time flies.
and soon we be facing o level mother tounge and
then 5 months more to the rest!
i simply can't wait for all that to go by a.s.a.p.
and then,hopefully i could enter poly and lead a new life.
as for now,been very packed with revisions and rest.
frankly,i have not been having sufficient rest for the past few weeks.
and yet i still have a lot more to revise for this MYE week.
all the best to classmates. ^^
met baby as usual every saturday and im preety glad
not a single woman screwed our day. thanks ladies,
u do make a big different that saturday.
anyhoos,i'm preety blank now,
not knowing what else to blog about and
yes my blog seems dead BUT.
we'll just see how updated my blog will be
as soon as my challenge are over.
toodles ^^

Thursday, April 16, 2009,
its over.


Reaching the Top of the Cliff.

Greetings Earthlings,
I felt Invigorated after a nice long bath to pamper myself after a long day in school.
We had CME in the Morning of Thursday doing Resume and Cover Letter,
which is what i felt is a very good exercise for our future job interviews. ^^

Past & Present Company Came Down to Our School and it was not a suprise to me
that i was so keen in listening to what the presentor has to say because it was interesting!
and then..POA where i tried my best to do malay but melancholy,i was distracted.
thank you whoever mates who were busy blabbering by my side. lols.
Mother Tounge was random.
I was Choosen to paired up Aliff for Dondang Sayan presentation
in conjunction with the malay cultural week. Oh Damn,Stage Fright Alert.
and then..Social Studies was a missed for me,
i knew i was in the wrong,together with some other mates.
not being responsible to meet mrs foo to do our
time practice test on the days which we were free to have it.
im sorry and i don't want to be neglected during lessons ^^
after one hour of probability revision for maths,
i finished up the foreign talent SBQ questions and
met Zai & Ph to have breaktime before heading home.
for the meanwhile,
i can't wait for saturday to comeby : Meeting Baby ^^
thou you can't read this now,i hope you'll do your best
for your TP test and could start your Island Wide soon.
I love you Very much and I know you do too (=

Wednesday, April 15, 2009,

iqa twad : hehe,mwahs ^^
syapeeqaaa:Thank you. (:
YAAYAA : da tukar kan! damn you. haha
SYAEIQAH : soon sweety. (:
tell me: tell you what,i am. why? anything bothering you? (:
erin: soon sweety (:
kiddie: hahaha,anis....tkmo start merepeknye tu hah..and thanks darling.
no denials i miss you too! hehe,and thank you thank you thank you!
wana: hahaha,sure thing darl. look! you're better now. hehe ilyt ^^
iqa twad: blueks! hari2 cubit kite. hahah
guest: eh? haha. tk sada la. take that as a compliment. thank you! (:


baby kiss (: Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, April 9, 2009,
Apex Day 2009.

It was a total bore,i dare to sware.
if im given a chance to elaborate on things to improve,
i swear a have the whole list of it.
& One Very Obvious Mistake they did was TimeManagement.
Oh wells,whatever it is. Im Glad by next year..
i wont be facing the same routine all over again ^^

Fcuk all unwelcomed destroyer of our relationship please. (:

To Waaanaaaa:

i'm sorry for the bad news dearest wana,
i really hope you will be fine and move on soon.
i know its hard for you and that you couldnt go through it strongly.
i know you hated fate that happened.
but trust me,it will all come to an end and your life would be better
in years or months to come.
anita and i will always love you.
tia <3.

baby will be comming home soon today.
its half day for all man serving national service i guess.
which means i am meeting him today! hurrah.
we have to meet because it'll be our 3rd Month Tommorow and
i will be in Malaysia,Austin Perdana. What a luck! damndamn.
gonna have a long rest before ack to school!
& i prmise i wont stop revising.
before i end this post,
i kinda miss SuntecEngwahCollegues.
specifically the kakigereks like
shamira : i miss you girl! and i recevied your msg. Sorry didnt reply. pp8 low la =p
mala,yan,zul,riffy,elme,ronald,zar,shah,fianeis,aunt suzie...more... =(
it gave me a shock to know that there is still on going politics at work.
i can't believe it. even when im not around,it still happens. what a workplace.
i'll be hunting for a new job as soon as o level is over,
meanwhile...i have to strive hard for this upcomming MYE!
toodles ^^

Thursday, April 2, 2009,
replies of tags (:

baby during his crosscountry 5 tons training ^^
IqaTwad : You're Relinked my dear. Missed our strong bonds! hahaha ^^
YAYAAA: hahaha,okay. boredom yanie. i know! we've talked about it. hehe
Lydia:No use having the internet when the comp is down. argh! haha
Bloghopper : GOd's Will My Dear,Thank you (:
Pinkeh : What so funny ? hahahaaaa.
Yanie : DIAM AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest : which i supposed zai. comp aku rosak nabey. =p
syapeeqaa : noted dear. updated and linked! mwahs ~
helmi: menyusahkan kau pe sial aku mia? hhahahaha. tkla,rosak dok. what to do.
kiddie: lek lek lek... aku kasi comp kau hempas k? aku pon da tkleh take it uh. hahah
Yan: just the bp magazine la doink. hahah,wow! niceone. and thanks ok. its o again! hehe
Echa: hey Chinese Bitch of mine. hahaha. thks for droppingby and soon we'll meet k? tc!
BC : NOTED. (:

While the Cat is away,The Mouse Play. [2nd Brother is out.] *Evil Grins*

Whenever there is opportunities in life
we have to have it close to us. Learn that fellars.
SO yeah,BRo's out for the moment and i was
elated to see an acer laptop (probably my bro's friend's lappy)
lying sexily on his bed. took the courage to pick it up and dialled the singtel
to get to know what the hack was passphrasekey. (:
today was like any other day.
despite having bore lessons,i managed to make my day Fun.
mrs foo was feeling rather gay today and so do mates after school.
we're gonna have our carind day tmrw which means,
no school curriculumn! noooo,i need to stud badly. =(
moving on,i've settled things down with baby already.
i made the first move. i understood things well and it wont
end if i wasnt the one stepping forward and sort it out ya know.
2 more days to saturday : meaning....im meeting baby!
wahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. *SCREAMS*
be alreat darlas,
maly o levels is in 2 months time.
im petrified.
