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Friday, July 31, 2009,
just came back (:

We had a lot of fun in school today,
not forgetting we shared meals together
during POA lesson! hahaha.
and played some pokka games.

I cancelled my plans with classmate
for bowling at bukit batok today.
sorry sornah dear. guess u're the only female? =D

lesson was as per normal.
i was putting on my best behaviour during english.
i answered several questions she asked to whole.

back from school,
after medical check-up and met fee.
now im back home!

wanna go out tommorow!

Thursday, July 30, 2009,
(: i miss my curly hair please?


sobs sobs.
today : chemistry revision.
tommorow: social studies mind-mapping.
saturday: history mind-mapping.
sunday: physics notes.

i miss you Pictures, Images and Photos

Genius Bitch.

So,bby will be off to brunei soon.
Good journey Alrights.

just came back from revision with yanie.
and lydia ; stop sleeping la. haha

we had fun of course,
managed to complete 3/4 of chem
prelim questions for chemistry,
and im seriously proud of that.
afiq and his gf was there,
entertained by our craps.

and im back home now.
im missing love!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009,

eh babi la blogger.

Monday, July 27, 2009,

i still can't blog. blogger still
couldnt upload fully its new post thingy.

im hating this.
meeting bbyboy today! (:
co-currently im trying new things :
xanga and stuffs. haha, please.
its out of boredom

feel free finding me there ok!
im thinking of changing blogger to maybe
xanga or livejournal or perhaps wordpress or something?

because i can live with this error everytime.
its getting onto my nerves,really.

Friday, July 24, 2009,
What’s up with my blogger account?

it seems like i will be having a long term problem with my blog now.
co-currently,i can’t think of a way to make this blog back to normal again.
I'm not able to blog properly and i don't know why, oh please help help help.

how to blog,you tell me. please. LOL.
i have been having a very tough weekdays..
i finally ranted @ my personal diary yesterday and
its 6 full pages of words ranted in there.

i admit one thing,i have been keeping things to myself.
i couldn't find anyone to seek to. no one wants to understand me.
how could this be happening to me?

gone was the old strong girl who takes thick and thins as challenges in life.
gone was the happy go lucky girl i used to be.
gone was the life full of laughter and smiles.

no words could describe my agony. phew.

Anyway,i met baby today and catch
“janganpandangbelakangcongkak” i’ll rate it 3.5 stars out of 5.

just a normal comedy show and I'm seriously not impressed by it.
basic random jokes and lame ones as well.
baby wants to watch fighting but causeway doesn't have that movie.


what had happened recently during my weekdays?
let me tell you one thing,
one thing for sure it wasn’t as pleasant as i thought.
had a tiff with a teacher in my school.
i shall keep her name confidential because
as you all know,teachers nowadays are
becoming like us randomly blogging
or even reading their student’s blog post.
scary isn’t it? ^^

Anyway,where was i? oh yes, tiff with this teacher
i have been wishing for it to happen.
i had enough of all those mumblings
and naggings and scolding. screw you.
i come to school to face the O levels
not your “critics” and “sarcasm”
i guess its too much that i have to
stay away from your presence.

you screwed my mood,my day,
my everything. it sucks to the core,really.

I didn't attend school. Blame Add math
and the “headache i had since Thursday”.
i woke up and surf the net.
Yaayaa texted me to have our lunch together.
Fee,Syafiq and Firin came to my crib
before i went off to meet Yaayaa.
we had some conversation and
off i boarded the bus to lot one.

thanks phyque for the $1 double chocolate coupon.
you gave me twice!
yes ah yes ah. LOL.

we had our motivation in school from 6.30-9.00pm.
it was fine for me la. they basically
saying things that we already knew
with exception that they share
their experience with us la. their journey from
being someone below to a successor. ^^

back home and had a tiff with baby.
argh,why why why.
what have i done wrong this time?
why do you have to lie to me?
and you guys know what? I’m at fault.

because i let love to be part of my life,
it turns out like this. its no one’s fault. just me.

Went off early to meet baby. I’m sorry Ju for being too rushing
this few days.. i had an early release from Mr Ralph and hurriedly
rush back home and get myself prepared.. where eh i go? oh.
spent time with baby and back home while he went to dblo.
with my permission , of course. buh.


i dont know why but it seems like my blog is having a serious problem and i am not able to post nay pictures nor change fonts and stuff like that. is it because my comp's having virus or what? help is needed please =(

Sunday, July 19, 2009,
tampines ; soccer match

since i didnt went out yesterday,
not even to the provision shop few blocks away from mine,
i went out today to meet sweets.

woke up in the morning by his greetings thru sms
and surfed the net. (wah lao bagun je main computer!)
but a few hours later,finished up my house chores
before mum and daddy came back home from the mosque.

managed to do it all in time and prepared myself to woods.
we had taiti,21 bastard,steal and obviously he won many times.
(because he will challenge me until im defeated by his skills. haha)
after that,we had a little bit of argument here and there
(& dont blame me,i was like a cry baby just now)
i mean,i've been crying alot. well its good to cry isnt it? ^^
its a way to let out your feelings. inner feelings. *kening up-down*

boarded the bus and it was raining quite heavily. darn. im wet.
we headed to one of this pasir ris school (i dont have any idea what it is)
and watched them play soccer.

why must guys be so rough and even can end up fighting eh
in a soccer match? i wonder why. but neh,they werent fighting la.
almost but got it thru well. many teams were there thou ^^
after the match,sweets,rizal,no 2 and also "boy baron" and me of course
slacked before we boarded the bus to tamp.

sweets sent me off @ the bustop and i went back home.
& tell you what.

i be starting my revisions TOMMOROW!
i dont care,lydia yanie kau kene join aku!
we mug together,work hard together,pass together!
wehooooooo (: (: (:

i love you.

frankly,i feel sad whenever i looked at others blissfully in love.
despite their arguments and misunderstandings,
they managed to pull it through.
i have a story here,about this guy i thought ;would never fall in love.
i met him during my school holiday in december last year,
no doubts,i thought he was just another guy friend i would end up having.
but not,he seemed to be someone special,
i could feel that he was the one since the day we first met.
afterall,we did get together.he was everything to me since then.
nothing else matters in life. just him.
to me,life without him was meaningless.
he has been the addiction to my heart.
but what hurts the most was the trust.the trust that he broke into of pieces.
the heart.the heart that he shattered to milions of pieces.
the love.the love that he betrayed.
i love him so truly and i was heartbroken
of the things he did to me.how could you baby?
what have i done to deserve all this?
all i need was loyalty,sincerity & love.

you would never understand how strong
my love is towards you.
you would never realised how willingly
i would fight for you.
you would never want to see me
happy when im with you.
if you're reading this baby,
i want to let you know that no one,
no one could resemble you as the one i love the most.

Look at this message,and remember one thing.
i love you.

"Mohd Sidek,The Day you had my heart was
when i knew i made the right choice of knowing you..
in my life now,you're the one that matters
and till the end of time..
you're the only love that i'll need..
Your tender kiss and caress made
me fall for you even deeper..
you're right. only loneliness was accompanying me when
you're not in my presence..
i would never imagine life without you and i wouldnt want to..
Cause you're my sweetest drug & addiction to my heart..
& thats the reason why i love you dear..
Just wanna let you know that you will always be loved..
1012 <33"

i love you baby,
i really do.

Saturday, July 18, 2009,

ohmygod,i feel dead.
my day is monotonous,no jokes.
i did not. let me repeat that. DID NOT went out today.
i simply rot at home all day surfing the net and
watching tv (which i dont usually do that)

i have got nothing to say now.
im just bored.
kill me.

Friday, July 17, 2009,

this was wednesday,
guess i told the story already.


Thursday intial plan was to rot at home (since i skipped school)
and have a good good good good rest,but unfortunately
sweets had to take and mc on that day due to flu.
we decided to meet , of course.

we met and headed to the nearest 7-eleven
and had our "lunch" while waiting for awek.

and then we headed to grandlink.
rizal can't make since he had to attend his tuition.
and then we booked a room and boom!

two messages spoils the mood at the end of the karaoke session.
urgh,so ________ human beings.

awek went back home while
we had a conversation going on till the last train.

went back home and dad nagged at me instead of mum.
and then,i had another conversation again.

bla bli blu after talking on the phone with sweets,
he slept while i continue my tasks : CME project assigned.
what time did i slept? right. 3.00 ++ am.
i woke up the next morning (which is today)
like a zombie from whatever space.

school was fine,
yayaa lydia sher lee and me had
our early maths time practice together with 5A studs.
went back home and met sweets again.
just a normal meet up.
slacked,pokka cards,lunch and chitchat.

im home now.
shall i go malaysia tommorow?

thursday - skipped School.

thursday? i skipped school. ohmy ohmy ohmy. why now?
i really really need to pull up my socks before its too late. gosh.
my main aim is to concentrate on this subjects :

-Combined Science
-Combined Humans
-Elementary Mathematics

and the one i would re-consider studying
-Additional Mathematics

and the one i would not bother
-PoA ( hahaha,sorry syafiq.)
its because i dont take POA. =p

wait. where is english? gah gah gah.
i know its the very most impt sub for o lvl.
its just that i despise the _________ of english.
i can't simply put my mind to a stop.
____ simply sucks. because ________ picking on me
when i did nothing wrong. how am i suppose to learn english then?

buh,hate that matherfarker. =x
i need to start my revision from next week!
help me yanie and lydia. hahaha.
bye la korang.
one more update to go!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009,
lack of two-days update. -_-

a very good movie indeed and im preety
impressed by beyonce's acting skills.
lets just say she's superbly multi-talented and i love it.
she's posing just the way how i love mariah carey did.
you've just wasted a sec of shit.
anyways,watched the movie obsessed with wana
@ my crib just now and she's otw back home.
basically,i went back home early today
and all i have to do is give OM a very wide smile & say
"om,nak balek lahhh. please?"

i went back home with noraini then since
she went bakc home too ^^

yesterday was normal.
afterschool met fee and headed queenstown
to catch his bf's soccer match
between SAF and Home United.
what a "score" both teams managed.
monday was basically school
and i met sweets after that.
we headed woods and thought of catching a movie
but decided to go to the arcade ( for the first time this year)
and have fun challenging. wehoo. haha

sunday bore.
morning was breakfast with family
and in the afternoon, met
lydia & anis @ yew tee mc to "study"
which we failed to put our minds to it.
we chitchat,webcammed and fun!
thank you lydia for the perfume!
love you la babe! hehe.

saturday met sweets and had some fun.
and im proud that i was back home early that saturday.
im done.

Sunday, July 12, 2009,

hello darlas,
im just came back from morning breakfast with my family.
im seriously still shagged and had to force myself to stay awake.
mum & dad were forcing their sons and daughter to wake up
(which seriously needs big effort if they wants us to obey their words)

thank you mummy for re-crediting my prepaid card. ^^
So,yesterday was a simple day for me.
Met Sharell and went home early.
the day before..
didnt attend school because i was lazy. sorry lydia & yanie.
the one who loves scolding me when i didnt attend school. haha.
and then that afternoon,met classmates to watch them play soccer..

we were so bored that we played with fire..
it was pin's idea and i was amazed by it
not the fire but because he kinda finished my perfume -_-

we were soooo bored that we took a video our ourselves.
self-obession eh kite?
and then.. we met shafiz and aliff @ yew tee.
lydia malas nak turon! hmmpfh.

took the train back with ju,
met aunties for awhile and back home! (:

Saturday, July 11, 2009,
the end of life.

as im typing....my mind stops thinking..
my heart shattered into millions of pieces...
my tears kept rolling down my cheeks..
i can't bare the pain in my heart any longer..
im just weak for all this.

all the sacrifises i made was unappreciated.
i never deserve a life here,no reason for me to live any longer.

this ain't emo,this is what that comes
from deep inside my heart.

i'm just not strong enough for all this.
what did i do to deserve all this?

kill me.

Thursday, July 9, 2009,

i felt like my days were monotonous and yet it seems endless to me.
i didnt attend lesson/school for two tedious days.
instead,i headed to the nearest polyclinic ALONE to get myself some medication.

the waiting time was rather making me feel restless because
i had no accompany and i didnt make any appoinment -_-.
i had to skip lessons in the morning since my appoinment today
should fall before 2 o'clock. ^^

whatever it is,
we had our o level malay oral today and it was splendid!
i felt much much more relieved and satisfied as compared
to last year's o level malay oral. i love this one so much
that i kept praising God Above and smile widely from ear to ear.

im preety glad my classmate did their best too!
all we have to do now is hope for the best,right friends? (:
and all i wish for is to get over O LEVELs soon and go SHOPPING.

haish,its been a long time since i pick that habit back.
because shopping simply makes me feel satisfied and jubilant.
wuhooo,so who wants to tag along? tag me! hehehe.

i miss you.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009,

phew,now then i could upload pictures.
waste of time betol.

anyhoos,thats my havoc auntie!
she's among the best aunties i owned la kay,
kaki gerek one you know. ^^

sooo.. where did i actually stop blogging ey?
today is wednesday and skipped school because
i be off to the polyclinic soon.

im having a bad cough now and
i hate it v v v much.
it must be the cause of smoking too much.
itu lah,takde orang suruh kau isap rokok mirah..


tuesday was ok for me. name it any day in school,
i be the most jovial girl ever surrounded by beautiful friends
who would never fails to cheer me up even for a second.

im thankful to at least owned classmates like them.

monday was basically and off mood for me,
i rot at home and had nothing else to do.

friday night met fee and k anne's
the same routine to malaysia.
we made this pitiful face ever to a pakcik driver
to let all 7 passengers in his taxi
and when he wanted to charged us 30 ringgit plus the midnight charge,
fee and me gave him a sudden harsh protest saying that
the price was unreasonable and stated the price
we thought would be fine.

and he goes,
"ahh iyerla2 boleh lah tu. mari masok."
hahaha. we sounded so bad right fee?
da la nak masok taxi orang tu 7 org.
beh nk murah plak tuh. hahaha.

as we reached home,
and since there were only us at home,
we put an act to the taxi driver as he
mentioned that no one was at home.

"takde orang kat rumah tu? gelap je.."
"oh.. agaknye makcik lom balek la tu.."
and then little asrul interrupt..

"kite nk tunngu makcik mane plak?"

and the uncle drove away.
what a scene,trying to act out something we thought would
at the least sound safer for us but asrul spoiled it.

we reached and catch some tv shows and
was so shagged that we went to sleep.

the next day,
fee me and k anne went to the nearest shop (which is quite far)
and was stopped by the police.
they blabbered this and that and drove away.
so guys,remember to bring ur ic eveyrwhere u go in malaysia.
even if u're going to the nearest shop -_-

went back home on sunday that day,
and met sweets. sorry i made u angry.
back hommmmeee safely and done!

oh this?
my guy mates! hahaha.
they rock my knickers.

Sunday, July 5, 2009,
im back!

im back from Austin. update tommorow.
fcuk. pictures can't be upload. yah,been happening to several bloggers.
that i knew. bye

Friday, July 3, 2009,
cheer up.

Mood : lugubrious

im going off soon.
thanks dearest classmates for cheering me up.
i appreciate it very very much.

before maths timetest was lunch with my sweet girls.
haha,talk and talk and talk and back to school.

im speechless.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009,

i lost interest in life and felt like putting all this to a halt.
but the last resort was just gonna make my hereafter life difficult.
i couldnt bare it. the thick&thins werent menant for my life.
im speechless.

p/s : some people just can't stop pestering my life.